Enki and Enlil: The Hidden History of Human Origins

The Anunnaki, a powerful species of extraterrestrial beings that projected mankind hundreds of thousands of years ago, are portrayed in ancient Sumerian scriptures as “them who descended from heaven.”

The Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians of Mesopotamia, who lived in what is now Iran and Iraq, worshiped the Anunnaki, or “those who fell from heaven,” as their principal deities.

One of the most significant deities in Sumerian mythology, Enki was also the protector of Eridu, which the ancient Mesopotamians regarded as the first city in the universe. Enki is credited with creating mankind, who were intended to serve the gods, in the Atrahasis Epic. From Creation through the Great Flood, this epic poem from Sumerian mythology relates the tale.

Enlil, the chief of the gods, was angered by the noise the people were making and decided to bring calamities to Earth to restrict the population. With each catastrophe, the humans pleaded with Enki to teach them how to survive.

Enki came to Earth to save Atrahasis, whom he considered as a fair man, because he was unable to resist Enlil’s plans to unleash a massive flood and wipe off humanity once and for all. All other people perished in the flood, and Enki instructed and directed Atrahasis to build an ark in order to protect himself from Enlil’s anger.

Enlil suggested that humans be recreated after the flood, but with limitations including being less productive, less durable, and more vulnerable than the previous race.

A planet is Nibiru.

The Chronicles of the Earth, a book collection by Azerbaijani author Zecharia Sitchin, offers Sitchin’s profoundly different perspective on the origins of humanity.

Zecharia Sitchin referred to “those who came from heaven” as an extraterrestrial race of intellectually superior creatures who taught the Sumerians about astronomy, architecture, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, and the written language. The Anunnaki were categorized as Ancient Astronauts by Sitchin.

According to Sitchin, modern Homo sapiens are the product of genetic engineering, and the Sumerians were made by fusing their DNA with that of a hominid.

An updated version of the Earth’s origin story is developed by ancient language expert Zecharia Sitchin using the Babylonian epic Enuma Elish, which was found on clay tablets written in cuneiform in the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in Nineveh.

In his opinion, Nibiru, also known as the “Twelfth Planet,” has an elliptical orbit around the Sun that lasts 3,600 years and was formerly home to humans who are extremely similar to us.

One of Nibiru’s two moons may have crashed with Tiamat, an ancient planet that formerly existed between Mars and Jupiter but was split in two and thrown into a new one millions of years ago, according to Sitchin. The current planet Earth and its Moon were created by the interaction of orbit and one of Tiamat’s moons.

The planet Nibiru would have later crashed with a piece of Tiamat that was still present, breaking it and creating the Asteroid Belt.

The Nibiruans traveled around the Solar System in search of gold after their planet’s horrific collapse and subsequent settlement of its problems. About 450,000 years ago, Nibiru came very close to Earth’s orbit, allowing some people to be transported to our planet by spaceship.

They established bases in prehistoric Mesopotamia and significant gold deposits in southern Africa, where they also found mines to extract priceless minerals. The Nibiruan rulers gave the Anunnaki people the task of mining since they had not finished it.

The Anunnaki were white beings that were 10 feet tall and had long hair and beards. They were treated like slaves despite their intelligence and physical prowess. The Anunnaki as a result rebelled against their kings and attempted to create someone less powerful to take their place.

The Nibiruans accepted the proposal and made the decision to combine their DNA with that of the most sophisticated monkeys on Earth in order to create a new species.

Humanity’s Beginning

Enki and Ninmah, the principal scientists, first created creatures of terrifying strength and enormous size to work in the mines for the Anunnaki; but, since these new beings were sterile, continual generation was required to maintain the optimal productivity of mineral extraction.

The first human species, Homo erectus, was created by Enki and Ninmah after they created several prototypes of different creatures that could breed with one another.

A component of the Anunnaki remained on Earth to oversee the gold mines and its new workers as Nibiru moved away from Earth. A portion of the “gods” returned to their home planet until the end of the 3,600-year cycle, known to the Sumerians as Sar.

But just like the Anunnaki had done before, the new humans made in the image and likeness of their creators started to argue over earthly issues, forming coalitions, and rising up against their rulers.

Many of them were able to escape the mines and make their own way on Earth as free people, where they started a new but primitive way of life. The Anunnaki chiefs returned to Earth after 3,600 years when the orbital cycle was completed once more, Nibiru approached our planet, and they found that things had once more gotten worse.

They launched new trials to create a new, more ideal race of laborers during their brief time on Earth, and they punished the Anunnaki by making them work in mines once again. In order to develop a new species that is capable of thinking, speaking, reproducing, and giving birth to homo sapiens, the senior scientist Enki and the doctor Ninti used in vitro fertilization and genetic manipulation.

The day after creating man and woman, God blessed them and gave them the names Adam. 5:2 (KJV).

The first subset of humans known as Adamites, or “those of the earth,” are the group of people to whom the Hebrew name Adam is hence not a reference to a particular person.

Sitchin asserts that historical accounts indicate that these “gods” oversaw the development of Sumerian civilisation and that the human monarchy was founded to serve as a link between people and the Anunnaki.

After the creation of man, there was one significant issue that persisted. The other humanoid creatures that had escaped and scattered were proliferating and covering the entire planet. The answer came in the form of a massive flood brought on by the solar system’s instability, which had been going on for around 12,000 years.

Following this, the Anunnaki decided to leave the planet and all of its inhabitants to the flood. Enki nonetheless decided to help and save humanity by ordering Atrahasis to construct a massive ark in a scenario comparable to the biblical Noah since he was concerned that his most recent Creation was too fantastic and distinctive.

Zecharia Sitchin asserts that Nibiru last made a close approach in 556 BC, and given its 3,600-year orbit, the Third Millennium is projected for its next appearance. However, he believes that the Anunnaki will arrive sooner, between 2090 and 2370, and that their appearance would mark the end of the Piscean era and the beginning of the Aquarian.

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