Video: Manipulative Extraterrestrials encourage economic austerity and disparity.

Are regressive aliens that are part of an alleged cover-up seeking to encourage growing disparity on Earth? Watch below the testimony of Alex Collier who is a voluntary contacted of Ethical Extraterrestrials that have sought to warn humanity about the alleged activities of Manipulative Aliens who allegedly sponsor the oppressive activities of human elites.

Are regressive aliens that are part of an alleged cover-up seeking to encourage growing disparity on Earth? Watch below the testimony of Alex Collier who is a voluntary contacted of Ethical Extraterrestrials that have sought to warn humanity about the alleged activities of Manipulative Aliens who allegedly sponsor the oppressive activities of human elites.

In 1994, Rick Keefe interviewed contacted Alex Collier. This is the sixth installment of the interview which had to be divided into 12 sections due to space limitations. (click this link to watch all 12 sections)

Dr. Michael Salla has championed “Ecopolitics” to help explain the alleged political activities on competing alien groups and elites which allegedly take place and are then manifested in political and economic policies on Earth.

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