Elon Musk Reveals Creation of World’s Fastest Hypersonic UFO Spacecraft

Elon Musk is not only known for being one of the richest men on this planet. He is also well known for being one of the most innovative programmers in the world. And for being the creator of large aerospace companies and transportation services. Elon Musk Reveals Creation of World’s Fastest Hypersonic UFO Spacecraft

Elon Musk creates hypersonic ship

In addition to that he has a strong belief in the existence of aliens. Since he thinks that many of the ancient constructions and technologies that exist in the world are the product of the creation of beings with an intelligence superior to ours. Elon, he fully agrees with many believers and ufologists that aliens, UFOs or aliens exist. In fact, he thinks they could be among us. But what has been most striking to him is his technology and the UFO ships that they could have or that are rumored to have been sighted. This has led him to reveal the creation and construction of the world’s fastest hypersonic UFO craft. With which he pretends he exceeds the speed of sound

What inspired Elon Musk to create Hypersonic Ships?

The recent aggression of the European country to Ukraine has been one of the main causes that has led Elon Musk to want to create these machines. Although the United States is already working on a secret aircraft with hypersonic speed under the ” Air Force Mayhen ” project. Same thing that will be very useful against Russian combat planes and against any country in the world. Other reasons why Elon Musk was inspired to create a UFO-type hypersonic ship. They have been the sightings that the pilots have cited in the Spacex company ships . Specifically with the Dragon Endeavor crew capsule .

Since they have commented that these represent a great danger in space because they sighted a UFO 44 km from their ship. And then they were about to collide with this unidentified object. This was reported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration itself, ( NASA )

Elon Musk has made his mark in the electric vehicle industry. Since he is solely responsible for putting electric vehicles in the spotlight and turning them into state-of-the-art vehicles.

As a result we have his electric vehicle company tesla. The largest in its category, and as if that were not enough. His company name Tesla, Init . It leaves a lot to be said, since Nicolas Tesla himself was the inventor of UFOs.

So the US military has been closely following Tesla’s progress, and now they are working together to use the company’s strengths in creating a ship that can exceed the speed of sound. The US Air Force has awarded a contract to “Lockheed Martin” who will see laser weapons mounted on fighter jets. The laser system needs an energy storage solution, and lockheed martin is turning to the same lithium batteries that power electric vehicles created by musk.

Fighter Craft Innovations and the Project That Will Put a Supersonic Twist on Aircraft Speed

Tesla’s innovations in lithium batteries for electric vehicles have matured. And they’ve done it in such a way that the US Air Force will use them on their fighter jets. The space industry and its company spacex, has quickly risen to the top of the list. Outperforming the competition in no time.

hypersonic speed
hypersonic speed aircraft. The great secret of Elon Musk and the United States Air Force. Elon Musk Reveals Creation of World’s Fastest Hypersonic UFO Spacecraft

No wonder billionaire Elon Musk wants to build a supersonic plane. In a twitter, Elon Musk said, that he was dying to create a supersonic plane. However, as head of the world’s largest electric vehicle company, he’s not going to create just any plane. But one that is completely electric and with end-to-end technology. This leads us to think. What if this tycoon is giving continuity and perfection to the creation of Tesla’s UFO ?

Musk’s friends in the US Air Force are working on a secret hypersonic aerial vehicle program called meijer. And to everyone’s surprise, the Pentagon recently released some details about this project. Which has kept war analysts guessing what kind of machine they’re creating. Elon Musk Reveals Creation of World’s Fastest Hypersonic UFO Spacecraft

UFO type hypersonic ship

What exactly does a fighter plane and a hypersonic jet or a hypersonic UFO type craft mean. As a plane moves through the air, the air molecules near the plane are stressed and move around the plane. How the air and the aircraft react depends on the relationship between the speed of the aircraft and the speed of sound through the air. Because of the importance of this speed ratio, aerodynamic engineers designated it with a special parameter called the match number. In honor of Ernst Match : A physicist who was a legend at the end of the 19th century and who studied gas dynamics.

It is called a hypersonic aircraft when the speeds of the aircraft are much greater than the speed of sound. Typical speeds for hypersonic aircraft are greater than 3,000 miles per hour and a match number greater than 5.

Hypersonics the future of aviation
Hypersonics the future of aviation

But because hypersonic aircraft are the choice for modern warfare. According to Said Brad Leland. Former Lockheed Martin hypersonics program manager . Hypersonic aircraft, along with hypersonic missiles that the United States has recently created. They could penetrate denied airspace and attack almost anywhere on the continent in less than an hour. Speed ​​is the next aviation advance to counter emerging great power threats by referencing Russia.


The goal is for the US Air Force to unify its technology with the advanced technology possessed by Elon Musk’s aerospace companies. And the Mayhen project. It is to offer a larger hypersonic system, capable of executing multiple missions with a standardized payload interface. Providing a significant technological advance and with futuristic technology. In addition to these spacecraft being able to carry payloads five times faster. And double the range of current technological capability systems, without the ships being detected.

It is intended that the standardized payload interface can create multiple opportunities. For the integration of several payloads within the same hypersonic system. But due to the secretive nature of the project mayhem. Not much information is provided on current technology capability systems. In fact, according to some leaks in the contract document it says; that this requirement will be classified as secret. But we know that mayhen has a project budget of 371 billion dollars. Mayhen’s air vehicle will carry various payloads that will prove useful and could prove disastrous in upcoming engagements. Elon Musk Reveals Creation of World’s Fastest Hypersonic UFO Spacecraft

Hypersonic aircraft The new machines of the future that will break the sound barrier

Finally, they believe that the technology that Elon Musk and the United States used in the creation of this hypersonic ship. It has a lot to do with UFOs. Since there are hundreds of hypotheses regarding their sightings and the quick reaction they could have. Also, it is not a mystery that after the death of the inventor Nicolas Tesla, all his belongings were seized by the United States.

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