They warn that NASA can cause an alien invasion

Scientists warn about the transmission of signals into space in disrespectful ways by NASA.

Researchers at the University of Oxford in the UK warn that NASA’s willingness to communicate something specific to space with exact data about Earth and people could have unforeseen and incredibly dangerous results, including an attack by alien species, they report. The Telegraph .

This message, known as ”Beacon in the Galaxy” (BITG), was written in a double encoding intended in an extended language and is intended to establish contact with extraterrestrial life.

NASA recalled for this information such as the situation of the Earth in the planetary group, the composite synthesis of the planet and its graphic representations, as well as the DNA and digitized images of the individuals. The transmission is expected to be reported from the SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Group in California, USA, and China’s FAST radio telescope.

Anders Sandberg , a senior analyst at the Future of Humanity Institute ( FHI ) in Oxford, accepts that such a transmission could be extremely dangerous, since on the impossible occasion that an alien development receives the message, its reaction might not. consist exclusively of a pleasant greeting.

Another FHI researcher in Oxford, Toby Ord , argues that a public debate should be coordinated before communicating signals into space . “I don’t think it’s a useful opportunity to move toward contact,” says Ord, who focuses on the lack of agreement among leading researchers about the proportion of unfriendly and calm civilizations in the world.

For what matters to them, the BITG project specialists guarantee that an alien species progressed to the point of achieving interplanetary correspondence “would undoubtedly have reached high degrees of participation among themselves and would know in this line the importance of harmony and effort coordinated.”

However, Canadian bioethicist and futurist George Dvorsky excuses that hypothesis as “old saying” and demands that a “great number of situations” can be imagined in which malevolent aliens actually pose a danger.

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